SPATIAL multi-omics technology with microfluidics
Spatial omics techniques have greatly expanded our understanding of biology on the omics level within the tissue context. Our techniques (DBiT-seq, Spatial-CITE-seq and Spatial ATAC-seq) were demonstrated to be a highly flexible platform, capable of working on multiple omics at the same time. The long-term goal will be to focus on the development of highly innovative enabling techniques for omics studies and the applications and adoptions of techniques to biological studies.
ABOUT Research Group

Dr. Yang Liu is an Assistant Professor of Pathology (tenure track ) at Yale School of Medicine. He received his training and degrees in a few different fields, including engineering, chemistry, toxicology, and computer science. During his Ph.D. period, he worked primarily as an analytical chemist and toxicologist, focusing on the development of a variety of highly sensitive analytical methods for the quantification of post-translational modifications (histone modifications, including methylation, phosphorylation, etc.) and the enzymatic activity of histone methylase and demethylase. Meanwhile, he received a master’s degree in computer science during the last three years of his Ph.D and then built machine learning algorithms to classify Twitter messages. During the Postdoc training with Dr. Rong Fan, he developed a high spatial resolution multi-omics sequencing technique named DBiT-seq, which can achieve near single-cell spatial resolution (10 µm) sequencing of RNA and protein on the same tissue section. Dr. Liu received the SITC-SU2C Convergence Scholar Award in 2019, the NIH hubmap jumpstart award in 2021, and the R35 Maximizing Investigators' Research Award (MIRA).
We are hiring!
We welcome Graduate Students from Yale BBS program! The newly joined members will be working on technique development projects with high impact!!
July 2024